Back Facial Treatment

There are times in life when, for various reasons, our back can present impurities and discomfort. Restore vitality to your skin with a deep back facial cleansing.

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Frequent questions

At Shadhar, we offer deep facial cleansing treatments to extract impurities and blackheads, gentle depigmentation treatments with mechanical peeling of microdermabrasion and glycolic acid, and we also have facial rejuvenation treatments with microdermabrasion and radiofrequency to stimulate collagen production.

It is a cosmetological treatment in which the skin is freed from contaminants and impurities, the spread of bacteria on our skin. As a result, you obtain a oxygenated, free of impurities, radiant, smooth, fresh and hydrated skin.

We do not perform millium extraction in facial cleansings because it is a procedure that requires the use of surgical material. Milliums are small white cysts that form in the pores of the skin and contain keratin that has been trapped under the skin, so the skin must be broken to extract them, a procedure that requires another type of instrumentation.

It is not recommended in general, because after a deep facial cleansing some redness may remain and, in the following days, new breakouts may appear due to the stimulation of the sebaceous glands with the manual pressure of the comedo extraction.

Yes, you can perform facial cleansing with rosacea since, depending on the degree of redness, we change some strategies to soften the pore and products that cause less irritation.

The main contraindications for a facial are having an active irritation or allergy at the time of the procedure, because the products we use can exacerbate the condition. It is not recommended to perform facial procedures close to other treatments, such as Hyaluronic Acid injection, botulinum toxin, platelet-rich plasma, laser hair removal and vitamin injections.

We can perform deep facial cleansing from 12 years old.

It is a cosmetological procedure where hygiene, exfoliation (with products and ultrasonic peeling) and microdermabrasion are performed. Then, we perform facial drainage to prepare the face for stimulation of collagen production through the passage of radiofrequency. We finish with the application of a moisturizing and nourishing mask.

You can repeat the deep facial cleansing procedure with comedone extraction every 21 days.

In the case of facial cleansing, they can be performed, but it is always suggested to inform in advance to worry about the position of our patients according to the stage of their pregnancy. In the case of depigmentation treatments with microdermabrasion peeling, it is suggested to perform them in the winter months to avoid exposure to the sun and the consequent appearance of spots. Radiofrequency is contraindicated in pregnant women because this technology emits an electromagnetic wave.

Yes, there are considerations such as that you may experience redness, and new comedogenic breakouts may appear due to manual pressure when extracting the comedone or pimple. We recommend not applying makeup after the session to avoid pore contamination. We do not recommend a deep facial cleansing close to an important event.

Facial rejuvenation as a treatment is suggested to perform 6 to 8 sessions every 7 to 15 days to ensure a visible change. We must always consider that the production of new collagen takes around three months after its radiofrequency stimulation. The final expected change will be visible after this time.

Término y condiciones

A. Condiciones generales

Para Agendar:
Una vez que realice la compra, favor contactarse a nuestro WhatsApp Clientes +56968994627 o al mail, indicando su número de pedido y le indicaremos disponibilidad.

De lunes a domingo desde 10:00 hasta 20:00 hrs.

Sugerimos agendar con anticipación, para chequear nuestra disponibilidad.

Cambios de horas:
Una vez que se encuentra confirmada su hora y no asiste, el servicio se entenderá como entregado. Cualquier cambio debe ser avisado con mínimo 24 horas de anticipación.

Se puede solicitar el reembolso hasta 10 días después de haber realizado la compra. Después de 10 días, sólo se puede realizar cambio por otro servicio.

Validez de la compra:
6 meses desde la fecha de la compra

Terms and conditions

A. General conditions

To make an appointment:
Once you purchase, please contact us through our WhatsApp Customers at +56968994627 or email, indicating your order number, and we will communicate our availability.

Opening hours:
Monday to Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

We suggest scheduling in advance to check our availability.

Rescheduling an appointment::
Once your time is confirmed and you do not attend, the service will be deemed delivered. Any change must be notified at least 24 hours in advance.

A refund can be requested up to 10 days after making the purchase. After ten days, you can only exchange for another service.

Purchase validity:
Six months from the date of purchase