Relaxation massages
Decontracturing Massages, and more.

Pamper yourself with our Relaxation Massages, Relieving Massages, Spa Days, Oriental Massages, and many more . In a warm and welcoming atmosphere that will renew your day.

You can transform any service into a Gift Card
masaje de relajación en shadhar

Were designed to give you maximum well-being and free you from stress.

masaje descontracturante en shadhar

Free yourself from muscle tension and regain flexibility.

mis masajes en shadhar spa

A mixture of massages to give you maximum comfort for body and mind.

masaje para dos o parejas

You can choose the variety of massages you want. You will surely leave renewed.

Enjoy a fabulous spa day with friends, family, or your partner.

servicio de masajes para embarazadas

Relieve muscle tension safely and keep your skin radiant.

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may interest you:

Término y condiciones

A. Condiciones generales

Para Agendar:
Una vez que realice la compra, favor contactarse a nuestro WhatsApp Clientes +56968994627 o al mail, indicando su número de pedido y le indicaremos disponibilidad.

De lunes a domingo desde 10:00 hasta 20:00 hrs.

Sugerimos agendar con anticipación, para chequear nuestra disponibilidad.

Cambios de horas:
Una vez que se encuentra confirmada su hora y no asiste, el servicio se entenderá como entregado. Cualquier cambio debe ser avisado con mínimo 24 horas de anticipación.

Se puede solicitar el reembolso hasta 10 días después de haber realizado la compra. Después de 10 días, sólo se puede realizar cambio por otro servicio.

Validez de la compra:
6 meses desde la fecha de la compra

Terms and conditions

A. General conditions

To make an appointment:
Once you purchase, please contact us through our WhatsApp Customers at +56968994627 or email, indicating your order number, and we will communicate our availability.

Opening hours:
Monday to Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

We suggest scheduling in advance to check our availability.

Rescheduling an appointment::
Once your time is confirmed and you do not attend, the service will be deemed delivered. Any change must be notified at least 24 hours in advance.

A refund can be requested up to 10 days after making the purchase. After ten days, you can only exchange for another service.

Purchase validity:
Six months from the date of purchase